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I wanted to share a few of my favorite creator self-portraits.  We ask everyone for some form of image of themselves: some people send photos, and some of them send art.  I like art the best, because it’s the most fun to get in the mail — I already know what the vast majority of our creators look like, but everyone always does something interesting with a self-portrait.

Portrait sv
(Not entirely drawn, but super-awesome anyways!  This is Sara Varon.)

Joann Sfar 01

(Joann Sfar!  Clearly Little Vampire should be in everyone’s self-portrait.)

Cyril Pedrosa
(Cyril Pedrosa!  Adorable and funny both!)

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(I’ve got another version of Richard Sala’s self-portrait where he’s menacingly drawing an extremely cute cat because of Cat Burglar Black.)