test heading


(lots of paper)

“I’ll do anything!” is frequently the response we hear from authors when we ask them what they’re interested in doing to market their book.

This is an admirably enthusiastic response!  We appreciate it.  It’s really great when authors are willing to go above and beyond for their books.  Yay that!

However: when you’re talking to your publisher about what you want to be doing for your book, it’s good to be very specific about the resources you’re willing to commit, or else you could end up in way over your head.

“I’m glad to do as many local school visits as you want!”

If your publisher has a lot of school contacts in your area, you could end up doing two school visits a day for the next month!  If that’s what you wanted, great — but if you were hoping to do one or two school visits, that’s less optimal.

“A blog tour sounds great!  I’m glad to do anything for bloggers.”

You were hoping for five blogs to get interested.  Thirty pieces of original art for thirty different blogs later, you’ve developed tendonitis.

“I can get myself anywhere in the US for events, no problem!  All you’d have to do is book the events.”

“Hello!” says your publisher.  “Here’s your fifteen-city author tour that we just confirmed.  Thanks for handling your flights and hotels!”

Hopefully, before you and your publisher get into this situation, both you and your publisher ask each other a few more questions so you guys get a more specific understanding of how much you’re willing and able to commit to.  But making sure you’re really in for ‘absolutely anything!’ before you tell your publisher that tends to be a good idea!