test heading
Blogs may not be sushi, but in neither case does anyone want yesterday’s all-you-can-eat two dollar special…
Oh well, sorry it hasn’t been freshest dailies or doodles served here lately — but not for lack of things happening! I really do need to reclaim some blogging time in my days. Or get someone to help. Or both.
Eddie Campbell — in a recent entry, I left a bad link, which is now corrected. There’s a very cool interview of the vanishing autobiographer at fasterthanlight podcast
And if you haven’t heard from other more timely bloggers, Eddie has his own blog now and it’s already juicy with anecdotes from the home front, the studio, and some of the latest epic, tragic ‘making-of’ behind FROM HELL, which may even put to shame Coppola’s woes on APOCALYPSE NOW.
Good one to visit and revisit, by the looks of it.