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I’m about to fly off to Portland — a trip I always look forward to — to give some talks at PNCA… Here’s the info for their programs this Thursday and Friday, October 5 & 6th, which are open to the public.
PNCA is at:
Pacific Northwest College of Art
1241 NW Johnson
Portland OR 97209
You can e-mail mail@firstsecondbooks.com to reserve a spot or for more information.
Thursday, Oct 5th:
3:15 – 4:30: Workshop, Going Narrative
Story-telling is one of the most important–and most underappreciated–elements of the graphic novel. This workshop gives artists and authors a chance to examine the importance of narrative through words and pictures in a story.
5:00 – 6:15: Discussion, The Rise of the Graphic Novel
A roundtable discussion, led by Mark Siegel, about the evolution of the graphic novel from _Maus_ and _Astroboy_ to where it is today.
Friday, Oct 6th:
3:15 – 4:30: Workshop, Your Great American Graphic Novel
Insight, coaching, and tips on your personal projects from :01 Editorial Director Mark Siegel.
5:00 – 6:15: Discussion, Graphic Novels as Art, Graphic Novels as
A roundtable discussion, led by Mark Siegel, about the interplay of the two essential elements of graphic novels: the art and the story.
7:00 – 8:00: Keynote lecture, The Graphic Novel Today and Tomorrow
Graphic novels are the hottest properties in publishing today, and the art form is maturing in response to widespread interest in the medium. Mark Siegel discusses what’s changing in today’s graphic novels, and what will change in the future.
I am doing a Senior Project, my project is writing a graphic novel comic book i need a mentor that I can fax thing back and forth to get comments in doing this project. I need to know if anyone here is willing to help me out. Please let me know soon for I have a form that needs to be filled out by Thursday no later. My email address is raceme50@ yahoo.com. My name is Mykel Gosch Ans I go to Robert a Long High School in longview, washington