Isotope Archives - Page 7 of 16 - First Second Books


Walker Bean, Window Displays


test heading Anyone who has read Persepolis may have wondered if Marjane Satrapi was a one-shot wonder. This latest book of hers should put that to rest. I found this to be one of the most moving and beautifully crafted graphic novels in existence. Truly, truly romantic, from a truly remarkable author. Comes out in [...]

By |2024-03-27T23:46:03-04:00September 20th, 2006|News|1 Comment

George O’Connor, Journey into Mohawk Country_8

Some examples of pre-contact Mohawk fashion. There was a lot of cultural diffusion in the early days, and I had to be careful not to depict the Mohawk and Oneida in incongruous attire. The Mohawk in particular were influenced by certain European cuts of jackets, and traded beaver pelts heavily for European shirts and glass [...]

By |2024-03-20T06:49:24-04:00September 20th, 2006|News|Comments Off on George O’Connor, Journey into Mohawk Country_8


test heading George O'Connor, the creator of Journey Into Mohawk Country, (September 2006) and Grady Klein, the creator of The Lost Colony: The Snodgrass Conspiracy (May 2006) will be signing copies of their books at Midtown Comics at Times Square (New York City: 200 West 40th Street, on the corner of 7th Avenue) on Thursday, [...]

By |2024-03-27T23:46:29-04:00September 19th, 2006|News|Comments Off on NYC EVENT: FIRST SECOND BOOKS CREATORS TO SIGN AT MIDTOWN COMICS

George O’Connor, Journey into Mohawk Country_7

Some stock faces of various Mohawk and Oneida. Some of these guys are in the final book, some or not. It was nice to always have a ready assortment of Mohawk “extras” for the many, many crowd scenes I would have to draw. My sketchbooks are stuffed silly with little doodles like these.

By |2024-03-20T06:50:48-04:00September 18th, 2006|News|Comments Off on George O’Connor, Journey into Mohawk Country_7

George O’Connor, Journey into Mohawk Country_6

Journey into Mohawk Country takes place during the period of time between Native Americans first being introduced to firearms and their actually procuring some for themselves. Throughout the journal, the Mohawk show a keen interest in the guns that Harmen and company carry, and on several instances request that the Dutchmen fire their weapons. These [...]

By |2024-03-20T06:51:17-04:00September 15th, 2006|News|Comments Off on George O’Connor, Journey into Mohawk Country_6
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