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Danielle Ceccolini

We’re so pleased to welcome our new designer, Danielle Ceccolini, to First Second!  You will all get to know her better in the coming months and years, but here are a few questions to get you started!

What book would you take with you to a desert island?

Probably one of those “Edible Plants” books. Not the one Chris McCandless was using.

Flight or invisibility?

Flight! Because FLYING, obviously. And to play Quidditch.

What was your favorite book as a kid?

The Hobbit! I was in 4th grade when I read it and it felt a little bit like “Where have you been all my life?”. It was my first “adult” book and I couldn’t figure out yet why this was so much better than anything I’d ever read before haha.

What literary character is your favorite Halloween costume?

Mystique! The whole costume is a test of dedication — Blue body paint! Hair dye! Contacts! I’ve only ever seen three brave this experiment and they killed it. One day I will join them.

Who’s your favorite author?

Since childhood: Roald Dahl and Alan Moore. I guess I’ve always had a thing for fantasy and adventure.

You will find Danielle in the :01 offices, furiously designing all things First Second!