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Now don’t get me wrong, I love a big-haired 80’s Rogues as much as the next guy, probably even MORE than the next guy—her hair was like twice the size of her body! How could you possibly fly with THAT MUCH HAIR?! Surely, proof that 80’s Rogue is the strongest X-Men all of a time—but since our catalog is quite devoid of spandexed heros* :01-inspired cosplay at San Diego Comic Con is few and far between.

That’s why this year we’ve decided to give a free copy of a :01 book of your choice to the first five people that show up wearing :01 cosplay! Why not dress as emo-Hades from George O’Connor’s Olympians series—who both has amazing hipster hair AND is one of the few sexy male gods that likes covering his top half. (I assume the underworld must be cold.) Or perhaps you’d like a sweeter costume, in which case you could dress as Cupcake or Turkish Delight or the drum-playing Potato (“But everyone knows potatos don’t have rhythm!”) from Sara Varon’s Bake Sale. Or if you want to go really simple, fashionable, and art-y, you can dress as one of the all-black-wearing teens from Arne Bellstorf’s Baby’s in Black—young versions of the Beatles or the lovely artist Astrid Kircher. (NOTE: if you go as George we are so not going to give you the prize unless you also make sure to include his teenaged uni-brow.) Or *if you REALLY want to pay homage to the spandex that started it all you can don your best waxed stache and come as Eddie’s Cambell’s Amazing, Remarkable Monsieur Leotard.

If you’re more into fashion than capes and giant swords you can take a peek at this Pinterest Board devoted to :01 inspired cosplay with style. That board started as a little homage to the brilliant Console to Closet which is devoted to fashion inspired by video games. Their Sonic the Hedgehog Fashion post left me smiling and day-dreaming about gold coins for days. Here are some suggestions:

Sonic Hedgehog Fashion

Snarky Anya from Vera Brosgol’s ANYA’S GHOST. (Added bonus if you go as both Anya AND her ghost!)

 Hedgehog Fashion

Everyone’s favorite bongo-playing genius, FEYNMAN, from the book by Jim Ottaviani and Leland Myrick.

Sonic the Hedgehog Fashion

Ben Hatke’s Zita all grown up! What do you think Zita’s style will look like in 20 years. My theory is her boots will be upgraded for even better ability to kick-butt throughout he entire universe.

Feeling inspired yet?! Check out the rest of the :01 Book Collection and even if you aren’t the sort to break out the full-body face paint and paper mache you should visit our booth #1323 at this year’s San Diego Comic Con.