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While cycling through the ever-expanding “comics” folder of my Google Reader this morning, a number of things made me smile. Here are three of them:

  1.  The Comics Reporter. Tom had a bunch of birthday notices this morning, all in a row. I always love seeing that stream of names go by — this morning I’d heard of one out of every five, though my average is better than it used to be. It’s nice to be reminded how many people work in this business, how much talent and variety there is.
  2. Renee French. What a blog! Never has the housefly been as dreamy-beautiful as it is in her hands.
  3. Project Rooftop. The winners are announced for the Batman 2.0 costume redesign contest. I love all of them, and I love this site: what’s the good of having these crazy icons like Batman and Wonder Woman if not to mess with them and make them ours? Also, because I’m secretly 5, I love it that you can see Killer Croc’s buttcrack and tiny nubbular tail in the first one. Hee!


So, what made YOU smile today?