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First Second at San Diego: Authors - First Second Books

Manuela Kruger

test heading From Calista Brill, Senior Editor: We got some sad news recently. We lost a member of the First Second family…someone who had a crucial role in bringing more than half our books to print. None of our authors or artists ever met her, and few of them even knew her name. I've worked [...]

By |2024-03-21T03:01:30-04:00November 21st, 2014|News|2 Comments

A Farewell to :01 Designer Colleen AF Venable

test heading (from the desk of :01 Editorial Director Mark Siegel) If one thing is reliable, it's that things change. As many of you know, Colleen AF Venable is leaving First Second, to be an Associate Art Director at Workman Publishing. It was just one of those offers she couldn't refuse. Here's how Colleen started [...]

By |2024-03-21T03:17:21-04:00August 4th, 2014|News|7 Comments

That’s right! Aliera Carstairs is back!

Congratulations, Jane Yolen and Mike Cavallaro, working their magic to even greater power! KIRKUS: "En garde! Gear up for more sword fights and trolls as well as an appearance from Baba Yaga in this swashbuckling sequel." PUBLISHERS WEEKLY: "... Aliera is such an engaging hero..." You are in for a treat!

By |2024-03-11T01:12:02-04:00January 8th, 2013|Adventures in Publishing, News, Who's on First Second?|Comments Off on That’s right! Aliera Carstairs is back!

And . . . We’re Back!

test heading (from the Powerhouse Museum Collection.  Our office, luckily, looks nothing like this.  It's upright and everything!) We're safe and sound and back in the office -- I even got a seat on the subway this morning; it was like nothing had ever happened besides a daylight savings time change. Back to work for [...]

By |2024-03-21T08:59:54-04:00November 5th, 2012|News|Comments Off on And . . . We’re Back!

First Second & The Hurricane

test heading (photo from Keene and Cheshire County historical photos.  This was a hurricane, just not the one that occurred this week.  New Yorkers (unfortunately) do not have as stylish jackets as are pictured here.) Hey guys! So, First Second is based in New York City and we just had this hurricane. We're all fine, [...]

By |2024-03-21T09:01:26-04:00October 30th, 2012|News|Comments Off on First Second & The Hurricane


Taking a break from the absolute mayhem of New York Comic Con to say CONGRATULATIONS!!! to three New York Times Bestsellers: Broxo, by Zack Giallongo   Sailor Twain, by Mark Siegel   And guest star Hope Larson, whose graphic novel adaptation of A Wrinkle in Time was published by our sister imprint, Farrar, Straus and [...]

By |2012-10-12T15:22:22-04:00October 12th, 2012|Books, Events, News|Comments Off on BESTSELLERS AND TEENAGERS

Adventures in Cartooning CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!

test heading Oh for time travel! How I wish I could get all the ADVENTURES IN CARTOONING books back to my seven-year-old self! Here comes the latest offering from James Sturm, Alexis-Frederic Frost, and Andrew Arnold! This holiday season, give the gift of zany inspiration to that young, undiscovered cartoonist. It's all you expect of that [...]

By |2024-03-21T09:13:07-04:00September 20th, 2012|Adventures in Publishing, Books, News, Uncategorized, Who's on First Second?|Comments Off on Adventures in Cartooning CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!

First Second: Winter 2013

We're gearing up to launch our Winter 13 season!  It should be an exciting time -- it won't be broilingly hot (huzzah!) and we've got some great new graphic novels that we're publishing.  Links below will have actual publication information (prices and publication dates and trim sizes, everyone's favorite) and also excerpts, so you should [...]

By |2012-08-14T10:31:53-04:00August 20th, 2012|Books, News|Comments Off on First Second: Winter 2013

A Publicist’s Life

test heading (ganked from The New York Public Library) Dear [Major Media Outlet], Frustrated by several years of calling, e-mailing, mailing and carrier-pidgeon-ing copies of our current and upcoming books (accompanied by witty and insightful press releases) to you and never receiving coverage in your publication, much less a syllable of response from you, I [...]

By |2024-03-22T01:09:06-04:00August 6th, 2012|Behind the Scenes, News|Comments Off on A Publicist’s Life
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