Who Reads First Second Books? Archives - First Second Books

Who Reads First Second Books?

First Second at San Diego: Awards - First Second Books


test heading I'm very, very, very happy for this book to be released today. It's October 8th, 2013, the day Paul Pope's BATTLING BOY is cut loose into the world. Years ago, before launching First Second Books, before I knew Paul's work, I was at Jim Hanley's Universe, one of America's greatest comics shops, at Read More »


test heading Do you read graphic novels by First Second Books? If so, let us know who you are! Send us a photo with you reading a book or books published by First Second, and we'll thank you with a free book! Send all photos or questions to e-mail.    

By |2024-03-22T03:41:29-04:00December 1st, 2009|Who Reads First Second Books?|Comments Off on WHO READS FIRST SECOND?_1

Who reads First Second Books?-17

Chris is a school librarian. She told us: “I think Kampung Boy is the book that more than any other really made me understand what a graphic novel is; how intertwined, how connected text and illustrations are. I constantly found myself going back and forth – always noticing something new.” photo by Jack Demuth

By |2024-03-20T07:57:04-04:00April 17th, 2007|Who Reads First Second Books?|Comments Off on Who reads First Second Books?-17
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